10 May 2010

The Mounfield is resting....

Well actually, not much has happened since last time I wrote.
I somehow managed to get fed up with painting windows and just put the whole thing aside. Mountfield just stands all on it's own now, waiting for me to continue...But I really don't feel like it at the moment. - Sorry!
I have another small dolls house kit, that I work on currently and it'll have a blog of it's own once I'm finished. Because it's so small, I'm very sure that it will be finished. ;-)

- I will get back, working on the Mounfield, but it might be months...who knows?
Come back later this year :-)


  1. I'm sure your Mountfield will be finished too one day. :) Don't let yourself worry about it - it's supposed to be an enjoyable pastime, not a chore.

    My house is pottering along slowly. Biggest problem is thinking 'ooh I need XXXX' then having to wait up to a month for it to arrive in the mail! :D

    I'll look forward to your competition entry - that DOES have a deadline! Good luck. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your build. I love the mountfield and it's great to see it from start to finish in case I ever build it myself!
